Top Notch Toys - September 2016

After a short break, both of the vari- ety winners re-entered the ring. Both Mr. Keith and Mrs. Reid hail from Tex- as, where there are very few represen- tatives of the breed. Competition was friendly, but they both had their game faces on. In the end, both dogs were brought to the center of the ring and free stacked, and again Mr. Howard was hard pressed. But this year, the honor went to the Blenheim—GCH Clussexx Cream and Crimson—exactly 30 years since the last Blenheim, CH Dreamridge Dear Jeffery, won the ETSCA National Specialty in 1986 under another breed- er-judge, Alicia Pennington. After such a long and emotional day, no events were planned for that eve- ning. Exhibitors went their own ways to replenish before the next round of supported shows, beginning the following day. Friday dawned with our club’s annu- al meeting led by Club President, Bruce Van Deman. Members congregated to discuss club business over coffee and doughnuts supplied by our hospitality committee, headed by Susan Plance and Jeanne Schoff. Discussion was lively, courteous and thought provoking. All good signs for the future well-being of the club and the breed. Mrs. Mary Lou Kniola began Friday’s judging at 2:15 pm. Although the vari- ety winners from the day before were either absent or not entered, competi- tion was still fierce. It was apparent that Mrs. Kniola was also having difficulty choosing between all of her nice entries. In the end, her Variety Winner for the Blenheim & Prince Charles was CH Lou- jon Thornwood Little Eli, breeder-owner

handled by Karen Miller (they would go on to win the Toy group later that afternoon). For the King Charles & Ruby dogs, her Best of Variety went to GCH LTO Destiny, owned by Sandy Knaus and handled by Jeff Wright. Following the afternoon’s judging, the ETSCA health committee spon- sored a blood draw for the CHIC DNA repository. Dr. Bonnie Miller, DVM vol- unteered her expert services and the process was quick and painless for all participants. Her skill and speed were appreciated by everyone, because it was soon time to get ready for the eve- ning’s festivities—our annual awards banquet and auction! The dinner was held at the Sheraton Four Points banquet room. Many took advantage of the cash bar and enjoyed the opportunity to socialize before din- ner was served. Following dinner, the awards portion of the banquet began. Dr. Bonnie Miller was the recipient of the 2015 Breeder Sweepstakes award (for the 3rd year in a row) and was also the recipient of the Exhibitor of the Year award (4 years in a row)—obviously a lot of hard work and dedication goes into her breeding program! The recipi- ent of the Outstanding Sportsmanship award is awarded based on nominations from the club membership; this honor went to Kathie Lawrence, who freely gives huge amounts of time to the care of our club website, newsletter and as our national specialty trophy chair. She always has a smile and a hug for all our membership and is very welcom- ing to new exhibitors—an award that she well deserved. Another very well deserved award, which is also based on

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