Top Notch Toys - December 2016



by BONNIE GUGGENHEIM TNT Advertising Director & Associate Editor

T oy dogs are more than spe- cial… they are fabulous show dogs, wonderful companions to loving owners, outstand- ing service dogs and protectors. They think they are the size of a Doberman or Rottie with a bark that alerts the entire household. That is one big bark! They are smart, clever, funny, spoiled, darling, delightful and totally terrific. Our wonderful Toys are also in a very competitive group and are strong com- petition in the Best in Show ring. Check the ratings published in Top Notch Toys . I’m hoping the readers of TNT will email me old photos for pub- lication in a future issue, I’d like to have a couple pages of win pic- tures, famous dogs of the past, famous people from years ago, including handlers and judges. There is no cri- teria except that they be Toy dogs or Toy-related people. Email me anytime at How many of you check out our Facebook page? All ads are posted dur- ing the month of publication so you can share with interested people in and out of the country; plus, the entire magazine is online at no cost to read- ers so your ads gain a lot of exposure! You can also order older copies of Top Notch Toys if you have articles or photos you want to keep or review. Many out-of-the- country judges and exhibitors read our Facebook pages that are constantly updated. A new exhibitor asked me for some advice on how to move for- ward in dogs and questioned why some breeders and show people have more than one breed. There was a time I felt strongly if you spe- cialized in your particular breed, truly studied and focused exclusively on that breed, it would lead to greater success.

That theory does work to a degree, but to truly learn about dogs you will benefit by becoming familiar with other breeds but not necessarily Toys because you will pick up wisdom from a wider group of friends and exhibi- tors. If you have the opportunity, go to different parts of the country to look at your breed and others--pay atten- tion to the strengths and weaknesses in that geographical area. Judges see it every time they leave a local area and you should, too. As a former AKC judge and success- ful owner handler with years of expe- rience in all aspects of the dog world, I’m here to help you. Together we can create winning ads, plan effective cam- paigns and show off your

new champions as well as your Group and Best in Show winners. Represen- tation in TNT gets the word out and lets the fancy know about your suc- cess. Everyone has a budget and I can work within your guidelines to pro- mote you and your dogs in our award- winning magazine. It is a collectible that belongs on your coffee table. Won’t you join us? Email or call me to discuss advertising, but be sure you stop by our booth at the AKC/Royal Canin show or see me ringside at this exciting and wonderful show. This is the perfect place to purchase gifts for your dog-loving friends and check out the many, many booths. Happy Holidays and have winning New Year! Remember, inquiring minds want to know. See you soon! Bonnie 863.738.8848

(Photo courtesy of Kat; Sin-Sation Chihuahuas)

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