Top Notch Toys - September 2016


(Photos courtesy of C & D williams)

1. Three conformaTion characTerisTics you consider criTical in your breeding program: 1) Top line, 2) rear angulation and 3) reach and drive. 2. WhaT dog have you bred have you been mosT exciTed abouT and Why? GCH Maggical RoadWarrior because of his wonderful tem- perament, top line, rear angulation and movement. 3. WhaT are your ThoughTs on imporTing and exporTing? We are advocates of importing/exporting to improve the gene pool. We imported Amalek The Jazz, aka “Charlie” from Amalek ETTs in England. We feel that adding Charlie to our breeding program strengthened our top line and movement. 4. WhaT has been your high poinT as breeders? Placing our Manchester Terriers in loving homes to enrich the lives of families, especially special needs homes. 5. do you inbreed, line breed or ouTcross and Why? We line breed to keep our type and we occasionally outcross to add to our gene pool. 6. do you Think your currenT sTandard is adequaTe? Yes, the breed standard is an excellent guide. 7. Where do you house your dogs and Whelp your biTches? The majority of our Manchester Terriers live in our home with us. We have a climatized dog building with indoor/out- door facilities. Our puppies are born and raised in our home.

8. WhaT age To you deTermine a puppy To be shoW qualiTy? We evaluate our puppies at 8 weeks and at 16 weeks. 9. WhaT is The greaTesT healTh concern for your breed Today? Our concern for our breed is the continual of the small gene pool. abouT The auThors We are a small “at home” show ken- nel dedicated to our breed. We strive for quality in our Toy Manchester Terriers and are committed to excellence. Our first Manchester puppy was born in 1998 and we knew this was the breed for us. We are often asked how we acquired our kennel name, “Maggical”? As we explain, when you meet your puppy for the first is “maggical.” Maggical Manches- ter’s is located in Southeast Texas. Our first show was at the Houston Astro Cluster in July of 1999 which is now referred to as the Houston Reliant Show and we were hooked. We are currently members of the Baytown Kennel Club. We have been blessed to obtain Manchester Terriers from Rosewood Kennel in California and Amalek English Toy Terriers of England. We are in the process of crossing these diverse bloodlines to incorporate the strengths of the Amer- ican Manchester Terrier and the English Toy Terrier.

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