Top Notch Toys -July 2016


by BONNIE GUGGENHEIM TNT Advertising Director & Associate Editor REMEMBRANCES

I had a fabulous time seeing lots of old friends and made a few new ones on a recent outing to a dog show. I saw many top quality Toy dogs of such quality that it made me know there is way more to those in Group 5 than beauty when they stand posed. It seems like more and more judges are not only looking for type, something that is critical for each breed, but they seem to care more about movement and structure. Those dogs in the Toy group in Tam- pa, Florida—almost without fail—made me know our beloved Toys are in good hands and progressing in the right direction. The quality was deep and I saw it again in the Orlando shows when there were some additions to the line up. Looking at winners across the country again makes me aware that breeders, handlers, owners and judges get it with the respective breeds. As a

former judge of many Toy dogs, I can say they have come a long way in the generations past. Great job to all of you competing! Aside from the quality of dogs, it seems there are so many unhappy peo- ple at shows—usually when they don’t win. They trash talk online and fail to really evaluate the situation or attempt to learn what really happened. There are times you win when you should not (really!) and lose when you should not. Judges make the best possible deci- sion on that day based on what they know and what the years have taught them. Education today is more avail- able than ever before and the majority take advantage of it. Each day at a dog show should be a learning experience which can only happen if you stay at the show, listen and learn. Friendships developed over the years will sustain you when the going gets

tough, treasure those people. None of us enter to lose and everyone enters to win. Be a true friend, c ongratulate those who win and when it is your turn, win in a gracious manner. On a personal note, the Orlando nightclub shooting left me horrified at the shocking and senseless tragedy and makes me concerned about more attacks. Everyone—gay, straight, bisex- ual, transgendered—must join togeth- er, because these tragedies are happen- ing all too often. I direct you to read our editor-in-chief’s tribute on page 17. Revel in the joy of life —especially at our wonderful dog shows—and tell me about your successes. Remember, inquiring minds want to know. Bonnie | 863.738.8848

“Friendships developed over the years will sustain you when the going gets tough, TREASURE THOSE PEOPLE.”

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