Top Notch Toys October 2018

“The Pomeranian is happy, loving, and devoted breed with a bit of fire to them. ENJOY YOUR TIME IN THE RING WITH THEM!”

on the head. While the standard says that the placement of the ears is more important than the size, a small ear would be less likely to be affected by the cold. The eyes should be dark and almond shaped and not too big, simi- lar to a Samoyed. A dark, almond eye will give the most protection from glare off of the snow. The ideal head should be 1/3 nose to stop to 2/3 stop to backskull and should be a wedge we viewed from above. The Pomeranian should be foxlike in expression and neither snippy nor chowlike. The bite should ideally be a scissors bite, but a level bite is acceptable. Originally, Pomeranians were ex- cellent alert dogs and served to help guard the homes and farms of Eu- rope, but some were also used to pull carts, so soundness and movement are important to the breed. Bone should be moderate. Front and rear angulation should be moderate and balanced. Movement should be brisk but efficient with front and rear legs converging slightly toward a midline as speed increases. In summary, if you remember that the Pomeranian is a Spitz and the impor- tant attributes necessary for survival in a northern climate, you should be able to successfully judge the breed. Don’t forget to really go over the dog when it is on the table but with a light hand. Feel the muzzle and stop and topskull; feel the bone and angula- tion and forechest; check the topline and set of the tail and for straightness of the legs. The Pomeranian is happy, loving, and devoted breed with a bit of fire to them. Enjoy your time in the ring with them!

The Pomeranian is a small dog rang- ing from3-7 pounds, with 4-6 pounds being preferred for show. The Eng- lish standard says that dogs should be smaller than bitches (males 4-4.5 lbs, females 4.5-5.5 lbs), and the FCI standard states a maximum height of 22 cm/8.66 inches with under 18 cm/7.09 inches being undesirable. Since we do not weigh or measure Pomeranians, it is important to judge on proportion, remembering that it is square breed. While a slightly longer dog may move better, it is not cor- rect. You want to see a square within a circle, the square being the body of the dog and a circle being formed by the profuse, harsh double coat that is trimmed ONLY for neatness. The undercoat is soft, but the outer coat should be harsh in texture and vibrant and healthy. Imagine the dog being out in the snowor rain. The undercoat will keep it warm, and the outer coat will protect it and keep it dry, which will keep it from chilling or freezing. The coat has a vital function, and if if the coat does not have the harsh out- er coat it is incorrect. Further, it is a shame to see it all cut off in the ring. Something not often thought about is the tail. The tail of the Pomeranian should be a beautiful plume, set high, long and straight, that lies flat and tight on the back. Again, if a dog were outside sleeping in the snow, a long tail with a lot of hair would be able to help cover the face and warm the air the dog is breathing and protect the face. Not only is the tail important, it helps create the “circle” we wish to see when looking at a Pomeranian. Next is the head. The Pomeranian should have small prick ears set high

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Geno Sisneros acquired his first Pomeranian in 1998 and began show- ing and breeding in 2001 while at- tending the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry. He has since bred or finished over 30 AKC champions, with multiple best in show all-breed, specialty, bred-by exhibitor and owner handled Poms. He currently serves the American Pomeranian Club as Vice President and AKC Delegate and assists with Judges Education. He is also President Elect of the Mont- gomery Kennel Club (AL), serves as Vice President of the Kuvasz Club of America, and is a member of the Swed- ish Pomeranian Club, Pekingese Club of America, and Morris & Essex Ken- nel Club. He began judging in 2015 and hopes to soon complete the Toy Group.

T op N otch T oys , O ctober 2018 • 61

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