Top Notch Toys October 2018


“Pomeranians are truly large dogs in a small dog body.”

You will find that many Pomeranians today still carry many of the same traits as the breeds behind them. This little compact toy dog does not realize that it is such a small dog. Pomeranians are truly large dogs in a small dog body. They have a vivacious spirit with a foxlike expression. They are playful throughout the ma- jority of their lives, but are also happy to simply hang out on the couch or in your lap. Their territorial nature will alert you to any unusual distur- bance or intruders to your household. Pomeranians are very loyal to their people. They have a strong desire to please, but can remain stubborn should they see fit. They have been successful in obedience, rally, agil- ity and many other events. Their so- cial nature among themselves makes it easy and interesting to own more than just one.

Rothschild’s survived, possibly be- cause it was bundled into Mrs. Roth- schild’s bag, although Mr. Rothschild went down with the ship. It is interesting to note that Pomera- nian type has stayed fairly consistent from the early 1900s to the Pom- eranians you see in the ring today. As companion dogs, Poms make excel- lent friends and have rubbed shoul- ders with some of history’s greatest creative minds. Mozart dedicated one of his finished arias to his pet Po- meranian, Pimperl. Frédéric Chopin, inspired by his friend’s pet Pomera- nian chasing his tail, wrote the song “Waltz of the Little Dogs.” When Mi- chelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel, his Pom was sitting below on a satin pillow watchingthe action. While thisNordic breed has sled dogs, watch dogs and herding dogs behind them, they have been bred for many years for simple companionship.

T op N otch T oys , O ctober 2018 • 57

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