Top Notch Toys, August 2021

Perky Peridot winning IG National Specialty in 1999 under Judge Jimmie Mitchell.


Carol with three young Whippets that would become champions: Left to right: Casha, Multi BIS Quick Pick and Treasure.

“Barbara Ann”

at the earliest age. Carol feels that handling by many different people at all ages prevents shyness and makes them a much better show dog or pet. She is a proponent of hand feed- ing, and does so as a way of train- ing because it allows for correction and ensures better temperaments,

appetites, better attention span, and success in the show ring. They also learn goodmanners and patience. She also says, this way she has practically no pans to wash… just her hands. She very much enjoys the hand feeding. Carol is able to determine personality types and suitability for shows or pet

homes in the hand feeding and grow- ing up process. Show prospects are determined be- tween 12 and 14 weeks, with pets be- ing carefully sold to selected families with whomCarol stays in contact. Some of her show potential puppies go to Junior Handlers, as this is an

T op N otch T oys , A ugust 2021 • 35

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