Top Notch Toys December 2019

“A Breeder’s ears are wondrous things, strangely shaped (from being pressed against a phone receiv- er), deaf to criticism yet always fine-tuned to the whimper of a sick pup. A Breeder’s eyes are blurred from pedigree research and sometimes blind to his own dog’s shortcomings, but they are ever so keen to the com- petition’s faults and are always, always searching for the perfect specimen. “A Breeder’s brain is foggy on faces but recalls pedigrees faster than an IBM. It’s so full of knowledge that sometimes it blows a fuse. It catalogs thousands of good fronts, hocky rears, and perfect heads... and bur- ies in the soul the failures and the ones that didn’t turn out. “T he Breeder’s heart is often broken but it beats strongly with hope everlasting—and it’s always in the right place! “O h yes, there are breeders, and then, there are Breeders.”

“T he Breeder skips dinner parties because a litter is due or the puppies have to be fed at eight. He or she disregards birth fluids and puts mouth to mouth to save a gasping newborn, literally blowing life into a tiny, helpless creature that may be the culmination of a life- time of dreams. “A Breeder’s lap is a marvelous place where genera- tions of proud and noble champions once snoozed. A Breeder’s hands are strong and firm and often soiled but ever so gentle and sensitive to the thrust of a puppy’s nose. ABreeder’s knees are usually arthritic from bending and lifting puppies but are strong enough to enable the Breeder to show the ‘keeper’ in Sweeps! “A Breeder’s shoulders are stooped and often heaped with abuse from competitors but they’re wide enough to support the weight of a thousand defeats and frustrations. A breeder’s arms are always able to wield amop, support an armful of puppies, or lend a helping hand to a newcomer.

Excerpt from World of The Akita, Chapter Eight—Breeding The Best. Copyright © 1995 – 2019 Barbara J. Andrews. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations with source provided, no portions thereof may be stored or reprinted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without the express written con- sent of Barbara J. Andrews. or

30 • T op N otch T oys , D ecember 2019

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