Top Notch Toys December 2019



Each November I’m disappointed at my ability to list all things for which I’m grateful. And every year I vow to do better next time...which smacks of a New Year’s Resolution in the works but don’t count on it. I’m too busy till after the Garden to undertake energetic self-improvement regimens. But I will take time to express, briefly, what keeps me going and—usually—keeps me smiling. My Family My four siblings and I, I think, were extremely fortunate. We had a childhood nice enough to gloss over any bad memories, and I have three sisters and a brother, very diverse individuals, whose talents and accom- plishments keep me amazed. But the gift we were given which counts more than any others was that of gratitude. I’ll let the senior member of my family speak for all of us: When asked, one time, at a reunion, how things were going, my eldest sister replied “I have a job; my house is warm. What have I got to complain about?” A great sentiment. From a Social Worker. And fromme: Love to all of you. My dogFamily This would be the incredible group of friends and acquaintences I’ve been lucky enough to collect through the years. Each year—especially in 2019— we lost many but the beauty of our world is that, daily, we make more. Get Until I moved in May, each direction one looked in my home and office contained some memento of the many dogs with which I was so happy to share my home. (We’re talking sixty years of dog photos, portraits and re- lated objets, some of value to anyone, others important only to me. I think those are the items most treasured.) As—almost a year later—I’m still in mid-move, all those happy faces are in storage but also remain constantly in my mind’s eye. I probably have mementos of you here, too. I never throw anything out, because I never know when I’ll need a little pick-me-up. And you, my fam- ily, and my dogs, never fail to deliver. out today and make another. You’ll both be glad you did. MyDog family I hope this holiday season delivers memories that you carry for a life- time. As I relay to you every single year—if you tire of hearing it, let me know—I give you my holiday greeting: Here’s wishing whatever consti- tutes Merry Christmas to you. Now I share with you one of my favorite holiday poems. Enjoy!

PUPPIES’ CHRISTMAS It’s the day before Christmas, and all through the house the puppies are squeaking an old rubber mouse. The wreath which had merrily hung on the door Is scattered in pieces all over the floor. The stockings that hung in a neat little row Now boast a hole in each dangling toe. The tree was subjected to bright-eyed whims, And now, although splendid, it’s missing some limbs. I catch them and hold them. Be good, I insist They lick me, then run off to see what they’ve missed. And now as I watch them the thought comes to me, That theirs is the spirit that Christmas should be. Should children and puppies yet show us the way, And teach us the joy that should come with this day? Could they bring the message that’s written above, And tell us that, most of all, Christmas is love. —Anonymous

18 • T op N otch T oys , D ecember 2019

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