Top Notch Toys August 2019

COURTESY AND COMMON SENSE TOY TALK ETCETERA by Bonnie Guggenheim, TNT Advertising Director & Associate Editor

O bserve the judges ring pattern and watch their style of going over the exhibits so you can con- centrate on showing off the very best points of your dog. You will be much more at ease and relaxed if you know what to expect. When you are lined up and waiting for final instructions carefully watch the judge, noticing at what he or she is looking at. More than one person has missed a request to go to the front of the class and lost a ribbon for not paying attention. Respect the judges time—if they take a fewminutes to speak with you about placements or specifics regarding your dog, know they are on a strict time schedule. AKC allows approxi- mately two minutes per dog, so any- time they offer to answer your ques- tion is a part of their time schedule for that ring on that day. The Field Reps do check times of judges and expect judging to be completed so the groups can proceed. A smart exhibitor will have done a bit of research so they know what the judge prefers. If he or she comes from a sporting breed, obviously move- ment is very important; while those who come from a breed that requires extensive grooming, beauty and pre- sentation are important. Those who come from one of the so-called head breeds will find the head to be a win- ning feature. Knowing before you en- ter will help you to enter smart. If you have a question, please be brief

and friendly in your approach. If you want to tell him or her what they did wrong on that day walk away. The judges book is already marked and your comments accomplish noth- ing that will benefit you on that day or in the future. Exhibitors who ver- bally accost judges should know the AKC Rep can be ringside if necessary which is not a good situation. When talking with a judge and they are answering your question, listen carefully. Some judges will give you a thoughtful and helpful answer that is important to your success. Many of the specialty judges know their respective breeds inside and out and have a wealth of knowledge which they would be happy to share at the right time, generally after they have completed their assignment. A final thought on judges, they all want to do the right thing and hope to find a fabulous dog. The second and more important thing; You cannot win if you don’t play! Take your best dog, enter smart and win lots. Tell all of us about it in Top Notch Toys… where all the finest Toys are found. Email or call me with your excit- ing new puppies or wonderful wins and remember inquiring minds want to know. Bonnie 863.738.8848

24 • T op N otch T oys , A ugust 2019

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