Top Notch Toys September 2019


T he Manchester Terrier is equally successful as a com- petitor in both the conformation, companion and per- formance arena—in addition to serving as an excellent companion—suitable for almost every situation. At the present time, The AmericanKennel Club recognizes approximately 193 breeds of dogs of which the Manchester Terrier is listed as a “low entry breed”. Examples below in- dicate the decline in numbers over a period of fifty years:

Defined lines are few. Perhaps we can rebuild or strengthen existing stock with the advice of a geneticist! Lifestyles no longer allow Breeders to maintain a kennel making avail- ability across the country unpredictable. Some of the best publicity is to get out in the public for lei- sure walks, travel, etc. Curiosity abounds with questioning “is that a mini-Dobe”? A change in lifestyle can be difficult—but, IF we value the breed, we must take the time and money to do whatever possible to maintain what is possibly “one of the oldest rec- ognized Terrier.”

Individual Registrations

Registered Litters


1978 223 1988 204 1998 241 2008 157 2018 58

484 421 458 407 181

WHY THE DECLINE Is it a change in living patterns? Publicity? Availability? Lack of breeders? Health? Starting with health. Of primary concern has to be depth in our gene pool, which is also seen in decline, not only in maintaining each variety, but inter- variety breeding as well. Below is a comparison of the breed’ studbook entries with results of studbook’ descendant list that has/or continues to produce over 10 generations:

Individual Registrations

Studbook Entries

Registered Litters

Male/Female With/Without Descendants


2005 201 2015 75

458 160


49/82 21/28

42/89 22/27


60 • T op N otch T oys , S eptember 2019

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