Top Notch Toys - April 2016


by BONNIE GUGGENHEIM TNT Advertising Director & Associate Editor

R emember when you had to wait for a phone call from a home phone to find out who won what and where? Remember waiting by the phone for your handler to call and let you know what happened? Remember when call waiting didn’t exist and you kept the entire family off the phone so your handler or dog friends could reach you? Remember when you had to actu- ally wait for your exciting win photos to arrive in the mail? Dog show pho- tographers always sent a couple proofs, you picked what you preferred and you paid from an invoice when the pho- tos arrived. Remember when you had to mail us your photos and hand writ- ten instructions because there was no email? (Not sure how the magazine functioned in those days!) In today’s world, cell phones and the internet make it possible to have almost instantaneous results from your friends or handlers and you could be anywhere—including on the way to another show. Social media is another method of communi- cation that allows for instant knowledge of who won, where, how many points, who went Best In Show and who won what groups. You have access to wins from all over the world and not just all over the country and since our dog show world is more international than ever it important to all of us. Want to purchase a dog from out of the country? You can access history of the dog, discuss on line details with the breeder/owner and even negotiate contracts prior to pos- sibly flying to pick up your new “star”. The availability of information is nearly unbelievable for those doing research. Your ad in TNT could be a part of that information.

Top Notch Toys has kept up with the times and instant results! We can add a flash or make a change in your ad almost up to the date of publication! So while yes, TNT is a gorgeous coffee table magazine that is kept for reference, utilized by pro- visional judges and breeders who read our featured breed articles… we are much more. In addition to the printed magazine, check out Top Notch Toys Facebook page where all the ads are posted during the month of publica- tion. This allows everyone to see who is winning—friends, family and fan- cy alike! Your ad can be posted and shared for friends or interested parties. Last month alone we had over 24,000 hits. Wow, talk about world wide exposure! You should celebrate your success with an ad to represent you in TNT . Plus, at, we make our online issue available to anyone

wishing to peruse the magazine on your computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. There is no requirement to join or give your email and no charge for this easy way to stay informed. You can look through back issues or the current issue or even check out a breed featured in a previous issue. Perfect for permit judges and judges looking for additional information as well as potential pur- chasers of show dogs looking for previ- ous winners. National… beautiful… and a part of the Toy Dog world for 34 years! Stay in touch, inquiring minds want to know—everything! Call, email or text to reserve your page or just to talk about Toys! Bonnie | 863.738.8848

Photo by Misti Cook

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