Top Notch Toys - August 2016

ALL THE RIGHT CURVES IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES by HARRy BEnnETT & S. D. RowAn, JR. Merola Italian Greyhounds & Members of the Italian Greyhound Club of America

Most fanciers know exactly how you feel, Italian Greyhound curves do have mass appeal! When evaluating a curve, Take caution and try not to swerve, Your knowledge will soon become a big reveal! E legance is de fi ned as the re fi nement of form. Grace is de fi ned as the beauty of form. An Italian Grey- hound that has all the right curves in all the right places is de fi ned as an Italian Greyhound of ideal elegance and grace! A white swan, black snake or slippery eel, May seem quite similar to the ideal! But to reward a great Italian Greyhound neck, Th ink ahead and avoid the potential train wreck, Remembering the fi ne print of the deal! Th e Italian Greyhound has a neck that is long, slender and gracefully arched. An Italian Greyhound with a short neck is incorrect. An Italian Greyhound with a thick neck is incor- rect. An Italian Greyhound that lacks a gracefully arched neck is incorrect and undesirable because it lacks the ideal curve of this place. An Italian Grey- hound with a “ewe neck”—in which the curve is concave rather than con- vex—is incorrect. It’s not just what’s on the menu nor been written by Steel, Be silent if you still think it is the shape of a wheel! When selecting the perfect Italian Greyhound body, Do not rely on an intoxicating hot toddy,

After all it just may be your

loin is incorrect. An Italian Greyhound with a long loin is incorrect. An Ital- ian Greyhound with a body of medium length by way of combination of a short rib cage and a long loin is incorrect. Th e Italian Greyhound’s back is the area of the body extending from the withers to the croup. Th e back is high at the withers. Th e withers are the area of the back at the shoulder blades. An Italian Greyhound’s back that is low at

last call and your last meal! Th e Italian Greyhound has a body of medium length. An Italian Greyhound with a long body is incorrect. Th e body is short coupled and so the loin is short in length. Th e loin is the area of the back associated with the lumbar portions of the vertebrae column behind the last rib and in front of the pelvic girdle. An Ital- ian Greyhound with a medium length

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