Top Notch Toys - December 2021

TOY TALK ETCETERA by Bonnie Guggenheim, TNT Advertising Director & Associate Editor


I f you could ask a question of your fellow breeders and ex- hibitors, what would that be? I would like to consider these questions for future issues. What role do you believe social media plays in your special Toy breed? Is this a positive interaction with others inGroup Five? Do you check out the TNT Facebook page? The National Owner-Handled Series is more important than ever and offers an opportunity to add interest and hone your handling skills while providing great ring experience for your dog and for you. Do you participate? Please elabo- rate if you’d like. How carefully do you research pedigrees when choosing a stud dog? Do you go back more than three generations? What articles would you like to see published in TOP NOTCH TOYS that would be fun or educational? Would you consider writing a breed-specific article for publication? There are many talented, long-time breeders in every Toy breed who could write articles of interest to a larger number of readers. Please share your knowledge with all of us!

Is the Bred-By Class your “go to” class because it is your passion to breed wonderful representatives? Or do you feel that an entry in the Open Class gives you a better chance of winning? There are many skilled and well-known Toy dog handlers. Some specialize in drop-coated breeds while others focus on Terrier-types, but all are hard-working professionals. Who would you consider “tops” in your breed? Would you like to interviewthemand submit anarticle for publication? What question would you like to see in a future survey? Remember, INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW… so please email your answers for an upcoming issue. Keep our slogan in mind when allocating your advertising dollars: “Don’t get lost in the other magazines, be found in TOP NOTCHTOYS. ” Win lots more, love and enjoy your dogs, and send those adorable puppy pictures for the Toy Box. Bonnie 512.971.3280

submitted by breeder-owner Eloise Veltman

16 • T op N otch T oys , D ecember 2021

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