Top Notch Toys - June 2022


by Barry Leece & Cameron Riegel Enchante’ Affens & Bouvier des Flanders

(A version of this article appeared in the September 2017 edition of SHOWSIGHT.)

O riginally from Germany, Affen - pinschers are a sturdy, comical Toy Breed historically believed to have been used in the home and farmsteads as a ratter. Woodcuts and paintings depicting small Terrier-like dogs that are probable precursors of the Affenpinscher place this little dog in Europe in the late 1400s-1700s, although official records and formal breeding programs for this breed did not exist until the late 1800s. In the United States, the Affenpinscher was first listed in the American Kennel Club (AKC) Stud Book in 1936. From Jerome Cushman’s authorita- tive book on the Affenpinscher, he notes that, “ German the word affenmartig means ‘monkey-like’ and the word pinscher means ‘Ter - rier.’” In France, they are often re- ferred to as “Diablotin Moustachu,” or “mustached little devil,” possibly referring to not only their looks but also to their oftentimes goofy and mischievous behavior. ABOUT THE AKC STANDARD The American Standard for the Af- fenpinscher was adopted from an ab - breviated translation of the German

become vehemently excited when threatened or attacked and is fear- less toward any aggressor.” Having lived with Affens for many years, for a small dog, Affenpinschers have more than their share of attitude. A favorite description of the monkey dog refers to its “over-inflated sense of their own self-importance.” It may be a Toy, but they don’t know it! ENCHANTE’ KENNELS Affenpinschers in New Mexico, “The Land of Enchantment!” What place could be more fitting for such an en - chanting little breed? After retiring from a twetny-five year career with Johnson & Johnson, and Cameron’s successful real estate management business, we left California and de - cided to return to New Mexico as our base of operations for a burgeon- ing travel and dog-showing lifestyle. As AKC Breeders of Merit, we have bred and shown Bouvier des Flanders for nearly thirty years, but wanted to expand our canine horizons into something different. Affens fit the bill perfectly because of their comic tem- perament, easy-going nature, small size, portability, and minimal shed- ding. They are accommodating to

Standard in November, 1936. The Affenpinscher Standard is specific for size, eye color, structure, and a number of phenotypical traits, but is broader and open to interpreta- tion in describing other aspects of the breed. For example, ears may be cropped or not, upright (prick ear) or bent, but must always be symmetri - cal. The American Standard allows for a broader coat color spectrum, spanning silver, reds, beige, and black. This color variation is in marked con- trast to European Standards where black is preferred and no other color is encouraged or allowed to be exhib - ited. From the Breed Standard: “The total overall appearance of the Af- fenpinscher is more important than any individual characteristic. He is described as having a neat but shaggy appearance.” However, in the AKC Breed Standard, the description of a “monkey-like” expression is included no less than four times, emphasizing the relative importance of the distinc- tive facial traits. The breed’s temperament is de- scribed as, “game, alert and inquisi- tive with great loyalty and affection toward its master and friends. The breed is generally quiet, but can

26 • T op N otch T oys , J une 2022

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