Top Notch Toys April 2017

She won the 1967 and 1968 AMA Nation- al Specialties and was the first Maltese to be presented the Quaker Oats Award for top group-winning Toy in 1967. Poo- na retired in 1968 upon winning the first Best in Show for a Maltese that year. 1972 WESTMINSTER TOY GROUP WINNER— CH JOANNE-CHEN’S MAYA DANCER Again, descending from Shikar Danc- er, was CH Joanne-Chen’s Maya Dancer. CH Maya was bred by Joanne Hesse (Indiana) and owned by Joe and Mamie Gregory (Kentucky). He was handled throughout his career by Peggy Hogg. His impressive show career includes winning 43 Best in Shows, 134 Group Firsts and the Toy Group at Westminster in 1972, making him the third Maltese to ever do so. He won the 1972 AMA National Specialty and was presented with the Quaker Oats Award for Top Group Winning Toy in the years 1971 and 1972. Now we turn to the extreme West Coast in Washington, where Beverly Passe owns the House of Myi Maltese. In the early 1970s, she acquired CH Salt- eer Glory Seeker who was inbred on the CH Aennchen’s Shikar Dancer line. An outstanding show dog and producer, bred by Beverly, out of Glory Seeker was CH Stan-Bar’s Spark of Glory. “Sparky” produced about 30 champions and many of the nation’s top-winning Mal- tese carry Sparky’s name in the back of their pedigree including our next Westminster group winner’s father CH

CH Sand Island Small Kraft Lite

Kraft Warning, “Ricky”, that became a multiple Best in Show Maltese as well as winning Group 1 at the AKC Centennial Show. Carol then campaigned a bitch, Best in Show CH Melodylane Lite N Lively Luv, “Lisa”. Lisa’s background was also of Aennnchen and Joanne-Chen breeding. CH Sand Island Small Kraft Lite, “Henry”, was the breathtaking result of that crossroads—where many years of sound breeding came together from different directions. With the help of Jere Olson, Carol’s friend and kennel manager, the breeding of her two Best in Show dogs produced a dog that will never be forgotten and still holds the record as the top-winning Maltese Dog of all time. But let’s pause in reflection here, to go back to important sections of this part of the tapestry—Henry’s grandfa- ther was CH Joanne Chen’s Mino Maya Dancer on his mother’s side and his great-grandfather on his father’s side was CH Stan Bar’s Spark of Glory. They are golden threads passed along that can be traced back to years of selective breeding. Henry’s career set many new records for the Maltese breed. It began when he finished by going Best of Win- ners and Best of Opposite Sex over eight dog specials at Westminster in 1989. That was the last year that class dogs were exhibited there. He was Top Toy Dog in 1990 and 1991 and got 82 Best in Shows and over 235 Group Firsts hav- ing been campaigned for just over two years. He won two consecutive Quaker

Oats Awards for Top Group Winning Toy and two Science Diet Awards, being consistently in the top ten all-breeds. Added to this were five Specialty wins including two AMA National Special- ties. He won the breed at Westminster in 1990 and 1991, a Westminster Toy Group 4 in 1990 and a Westminster Toy Group 3 in 1991. He won the breed again in 1992, he then entered the his- tory books as only the fourth Maltese to ever win the Toy Group at Westmin- ster, where he promptly retired. I had the honor of being on the other end of his lead for his career. He was bred very limitedly while being campaigned, but at Scylla Maltese his children, grand- children, great grandchildren and his only repeat breeding and his offspring have carried on his part of the tapestry. This tapestry is not finished. Each of these four beautiful Westminster Toy Group winning Maltese was a “great” of the past and all descended from the same ancestry. What made them great was a combination of dedicated breed- ers, owners and handlers. It takes one to make the cloth, one to obtain it and one to put the finishing touches on. In some cases, one person has done all three; in others, it took teamwork but the end result was the same. Thanks to the commitment of everyone involved and with remembrance of the dedicat- ed originators of the tapestry and the golden threads they produced, without which this story would not even be able to be told.


Breeder Carol Frances Andersen (Minnesota) acquired CH Keolis Small

CH Sand Island Small Kraft Lite with handler Vicki Abbott.

T op N otch T oys , A pril 2017 • 73

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