Top Notch Toys - October 2021

Left: An example of good body-length to leg-length to depth-of-body. Right: A bitch with a well-maintained shaggy but neat appearance. This correct coat needs little grooming to blend the various lengths of hair.

No. This is exaggerated in many ways. Exces- sive rear angulation, sloping topline; front assembly far too forward; groomed to excess.

Less than ideal; over-angulated rear; severe underline; short on leg; front heavy; over-groomed.

No. Such an appealing image. Correct? No, note exaggerated rear angulation.

Don’t be misled with what I have written. When I judge, I must see the entire outline of the dog, its shape, make, head and expression, and groomed—but not over- groomed to the point that it affects breed type. I agree that “fancy” is very, very appealing, but it is wrong, wrong, wrong for an Affen. Let’s revert a bit so that the

unique features of the Affenpinscher will prevail. This breed is amazing and, if we leave well enough alone, it should flourish for many, many years to come. Please jump on this train! One of the great beauties of the breed is its unique fea- tures. Please help us preserve them.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jacqueline Stacy has been involved in purebred dogs for over 50 years, starting as an exhibitor, then breeder, then all-breed professional handler and, ultimately, as a much sought after AKC All-Breed judge. Under the Tamarin Kennel, reg prefix, she and her husband, Terry, have bred and shown Affenpinschers since 1998 and have produced over 100 champions and multiple Best in Showwinners &National Specialty winners, including the top-winning BISAmerican- Bred Champion, Ch. Tamarin Tug, who also became America’s Top Toy Dog. Their dogs have been the foundation for several successful Affenpinscher Kennels that are active today. She has been a member of the ACA since 1998, has served as their Newsletter Editor, Board Director and President of the Club for six years. She and her committee authored the ACA Illustrated Standard that was prepared and published by the Club in 2011. She is a member of the committee to create Judges Education for the Canine College. She is passionate about Affenpinschers and preserving Breed Type.

46 • T op N otch T oys , O ctober 2021

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