Top Notch Toys - September 2021


F or me, and for most Pekingese en- thusiasts, living with Pekingese is more than sharing your life with a dog. It is as necessary as breath- ing and drinking. Once you have been captivated by this diminutive Emper- or, there is no other dog that will do. My love affair began as a toddler with my Grandmother’s Pekingese, “Foot- sie.” I was allowed to interact with him (worship) as long as I didn’t com- plain if he occasionally gaveme a little pinch. And he did (pinch) and I didn’t (complain) as it was all worth it to be in the presence of such greatness. Today, and many years and Pekingese later, the love affair is as strong as it ever was. The Pekingese is a large dog in a small and very attractive package. Not only do they “lift” surprisingly

22 • T op N otch T oys , S eptember 2021

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