Top Notch Toys January 2019

MUST BE COMPLETELY FREE OF ANY REMAINING BLACK OR SOOTY GRAY HAIRS LEFT FROMPUPPYHOOD. The Yorkie gives the appear- ance of self-importance and vigor. They should not be exaggerated in any part. Standing about eight inches at the withers, it should be the same length from with- ers to tail as they are from withers to ground. A Yorkie who is low on leg or too high station gives an incorrect overall appearance. The Yorkie is well proportioned and very compact. The back is level, with the height at the shoulders the same as at the rump. YORKIESare a sturdy, well-knit dogs with no extremes. In relationship to the body, the neck should not be too long or too short. The lack of Spring of Rib, or a long loin is a serious fault. Ribs should be oval, gradually round- ed at the base and reaching to the el- bows, with ample fore chest. The back should be level from the withers to set on of the tail. There should beNODIP BEHIND THE SHOULDERS. Sway

back, camel back and low tail sets are serious faults. Forelegs are straight, hindquarters are well muscled and straight when viewed from behind. Stifles are mod- erately bent and not over angulated like a German Shepard. The Yorkie moves with a free, confident gait in a parallel motion. Crossing, weaving, andmovingcloseorsingletrackingare all incorrect. WHEN A YORKIE HAS A COR- RECT COAT YOU CAN SEE THE OUTLINE OF THE DOG UNDER- NEATH A fluffy or cotton coat will obscure the outline, making it more difficult to evaluate gait or structure. THE TAIL is docked to a medium lengthand carried slightlyhigher than the level of the topline. Many Yorkie’s carry their tails in a higher posi- tion when they are moving, however when the tail is carried only slightly higher than the topline it should not be penalized. With regards to the undocked tail carriage, in my opinion, such a tail should meet the same requirements

as that of the docked tail. Neither a long, gay tail nor a long, squirrel tail are acceptable. The point being, the length of the tail should not alter the correct tail carriage. Running gold is when the tan exceeds the desired marking pattern. The golds should not extend above the elbow on the fore legs or above the stifles on the hind legs. Yorkshire Terriers are Toy dogs. The ideal weight should not exceed seven pounds with the size and balance re- maining proportionate. DISQUALIFICATION: Any solid color or combination of colors other than blue and tan as described above. Any white markings other than a small white spot on the fore chest that does not exceed one inch as its longest dimension. In closing, just remember under that glamorous coat and red bow is a little dog whose roots go back to being a farm dog for the purpose of killing rats and he should be sound no matter how pretty he looks.

62 • T op N otch T oys , J anuary 2019

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