Top Notch Toys June 2018

designed to mislead and obscure. There is no dishonor in mistakes and poor decisions or bad judgment. Yet the end results are often the same wheth- er they are the product of intentional misdeeds, or unintentional poor judge- ment. People end up getting dogs that are not as good as they are represented to be. However, uninformed breeders are simply making poor choices. They are not trying to deceive, and they are not falsifying base information. The integrity of the stud book remains intact in spite of their poor decisions. Anyone can easily see which dogs con- tributed to the mediocrity in front of them. The people who intentionally deceive are damaging the integrity of an entire system based upon an expec- tation of honor and truth. Those actions are far more serious and destructive in the long run. I know the dog-show stories as well as anybody. I know some people have finished less than worthy dogs by entering a good dog with the lesser dog’s number. I wonder why someone who knows better would do that just to put a title on an unworthy dog. I don’t understand how that benefits the breed or breeding programs. Find it a nice pet home and move forward. It’s not the end of the world if your dog or bitch does not achieve a ROM, a Grand Championship or top-twenty invitation. The future of the breeds relies upon an accurate stud book, and that requires that people do not lie. I think our popular culture is enter- ing a new, unsavory era where lying is expected and tolerated more than in any time I can remember. I’d like to bring back the idea that we are only as good as our word. I made a mis- take when I sold the unfinished bitch to a Korean buyer. And that mistake cost me a lot. But it did not cost me the relationship with people I hope will take a beautiful bloodline into the future. Mistakes will happen, but the true measure of a person is how they handle the corrections. Ultimately all we as breeders really have is our repu- tation, and I want mine to include the concept of honor. Our stud book also requires that we all act honorably. If we care about our legacy and the future of our dogs we must treat each other with respect and honor. It’s the only way to build trust, and the only way to move forward.




Then we finished the bitch—for real. We checked points, made sure every- body was entered in the right classes and the win was recorded accurately in the judges’ books. We did not move her up to Best Of Breed on the second day so there would be “insurance” points if she won again, and she did. I sent immediate word to the Korean buyer that she was, indeed, finally a real champion. It was an expensive les- son for me (always make sure wins are recorded accurately, and don’t assume anything until the certificate arrives). I thought that would be the end of my tale of woe, but to my surprise there has been an interesting sequel. As I was taking the win—New Champion photo, I was telling the judge the story of my mistake. The judge turned to me and said, “Well at least you did things the right way. I know of a well-known breeder in another breed who simply entered another dog under the unfin- ished dog’s registration number. I guess he didn’t think we could tell the differ ence between a cream-colored really nice dog and a red, not-so-wonderful

dog.” I must admit, that solution to my problem had not even occurred to me. It certainly would have been a lot less expensive, and everybody knows all Bedlingtons look pretty much alike. That could have worked. Even the peo- ple I travel with sometimes hand me the wrong dog to show in the classes. If I had the entire breed entry, who would ever check or know who the actual dogs were? The AKC relies upon the honor sys- tem, so how would they know which dog was actually attached to the registration number? The honor system. The AKC relies on the honor system to keep its stud book accurate. That means all of us who participate in the system are expected to behave honor- ably. There are no qualifiers here. You don’t get to opt out of behaving honor- ably because it’s too expensive, or too much trouble, or because other people do it. Let me be clear: there is a definite dif- ference between unintentional behav- iors that result in mistakes and poor decisions, and intentional behaviors

40 • T op N otch T oys , J une 2018

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